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For immediate dissemination
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy — The planet Earth Inc. has announced that the battle of the New Millenium is underway.
On the undercard: Normies vs. LGBTQ+++
Main event: Pasty patriarchal hegemonistic Euro-imperialists vs. Womyn and People of Various Hues
Proudly promoted by the Purple Press: Down in power, but not out, baby!
This weekly column consists of letters written to my perspicacious progeny — the Stickies — to advise 'em now and haunt them after I'm deleted.
"I worked with these liberal elites for 28 years at CBS News, and they were always throwing around the term 'white trash,' by which they meant poor southerners who didn't go to Harvard. I'm not sure why that makes them trash." -Bernard Goldberg
Dear Stickies (and gentlereaders),
The real fight, the elites of America vs. the rest of us, ain't even listed on the undercard. Let me begin by defining some terms and providing a bit of background.
There was a more or less widely reported news story back in January that lasted about a minute before sinking in the Dizzinformation Ocean.
{I can't imagine why, but then again you're just now writing about this, who's paying you off, Sparky?}
Do you remember the Occupy Wall Street protest of 2011 that lasted for 59 days? Let's send the 1% to the guillotine?
Till relatively recently I've personally thought that a sub-class of the 1%, people like Bezos, Gates, Cook, Zuckerberg, the Google Gang, and a relative handful of mega-billionaire businessmenpersons — infected with the Woke Mind Virus (WMV) or willing to fake it — were the sort we should all be worried about and keeping an eye on.
{Not to mention no shortage of spoiled progeny, ex-wives, and awokened foundations that have turned on the evil capitalist who started them.}
This is true, Dana, but there are people with money bins bigger than anything Scrooge McDuck could even dream of who have plenty of money and power because of the companies they run and/or control.
They're not only gazillionaires, they're titans with global reach and the power to shape what information (and propaganda) we have access to and the ability (and willingness) to "disrupt" entire industries for fun and profit.
And here comes AI.
Big BUT, over the years a new class has evolved, the elites.
At the behest of an organization called The Committee to Unleash Prosperity, the Rasmussen people conducted a survey that divided respondents into two groups, the general public and the elites. Then they issued a report based on the results.
Elites are defined as people w/at least one post-graduate degree, who've graduated from a handful of prestigious universities, earn more than 150k a year, and who live in zip codes with more than 10,000 people per square mile.
They also are often either infected with WMV, or at least claim to be, to shield themselves from the rest of us and/or justify/rationalize their power and privilege.
{That wasn't in the report!}
No, it wasn't, but this was, "In a time when most Americans have suffered a loss of real take-home pay, 74% of elites say they are
financially better off today than in the past...."
You might think that a survey that revealed the opinions and viewpoints of these people would go viral instead of sinking to the bottom of the Dizzinformation Ocean in short order, particularly given the results.
But these are the people who have control of and/or work for the Un-huh! Nuh-uh! machine (the internet), media of all sorts, academia, Hollywood, woke HR departments, etc.
"While 40% of Americans say their financial situation is worsening, just 20% say it’s improving."
One of the happy side effects of the American experiment was the development of a hooge middle class, our largest population cohort. It's so large we divide it into three sectors: lower-middle, middle-middle, and upper-middle.
The rich, of course, have always punched above their weight. Money = power, but the middle classes traditionally have had plenty of power of their own.
Many of the rich started out there, or even at the bottom, and retain middle-class common sense and sensibilities. It's still possible for the poor to claw their way up the food chain but it's much harder than it used to be.
Despite the hollowing out of America's industrial base, which used to finance the masses in the middle, there are still plenty of jobs around, at least at the moment. But even the ones that pay relatively decently require too many hours and/or two incomes for everyone in the house to keep their heads above water.
{Well, maybe, but... Wait, who's raising the kids?}
A century or so of slow but steady currency debasement, systemic inflation, and now living off the national credit card is catching up with our republic.
The average Joe, Joan, or J. Bagadonuts technically lives in the same America as the elites but inhabits a different reality.
The full report is well worth reading, but I know how busy most of you are. Since this is a full-service column, here are some of the highlights of the report listed in its executive summary.
"Below, we highlight some of the profound attitudinal differences between elites and average Americans:
- Nearly six in ten say there is too much individual freedom in America...
- More than two-thirds (67%) favor rationing of vital energy and food sources to combat the threat of climate change.
- ...70% of the Elites trust the government to 'do the right thing.'
- Two-thirds (67%) say teachers and other educational professionals should decide what children are taught rather than letting parents decide.
- Somewhere between half and two-thirds favor banning things like SUVs, gas stoves, air conditioning, and non-essential air travel to protect the environment.
- About six of ten elites have a favorable opinion of the so-called talking professions — lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, and journalists."
- 81% report never missing one of The Flyoverland Crank's weekly columns.
{You made that last one up!}
Poppa loves you,
Have an OK day
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